- 2024年
- 2023年
- 2022年
- 2020年
- 2019年
- └壁画ペイント & オーケストラコンサート in 児童養護施設
- └Mural painting & orchestra concert in children’s home
- └SHARE the HAPPINESS JAPAN ⇄ FINLAND 日本フィンランド修好100周年イベント
- └SHARE the HAPPINESS JAPAN ⇄ FINLAND 100th Anniversary of Japan-Finland Diplomatic Relations Event
- └描くよろこびは国境を越えて in マレーシア
- └The Joy of Painting Across the Border in Malaysia
- 2018年
- 2017年
- 2016年
- 2015年
- 2014年
- 2013年
- 2012年
- └描くよろこびは国境を越えて in ベトナム
- └The Joy of Painting Across the Border in Vietnam
- └GOFAR BANK Summer Festa first 2012
-僕たちの可能性は無限大だ!- - └GOFAR BANK Summer Festa first 2012 – Our possibilities are endless! –
- └GOFAR BANK展 子どもから子どもへ
- └GOFAR BANK Exhibition From Children to Children
- └マグカッププロジェクト 贈呈式
- └Mug project presentation ceremony
- └久之浜復興の誓いコンサートアートイベント
- └Hisanohama Restoration Pledge Concert Art Event
- 2011年
GOFAR’S Opening Party (Opening Ceremony)
It has been 26 years since I started my painting class, and 10 years since the founding of NPO GOFAR BANK.
I have been working to communicate with thousands of children overseas and in Japan and to convey the “joy of drawing”.
As I receive smiles from children and find the “light of life” in their eyes every day, I want to make this place, where the energy of the shrine flows, a barrier-free, healing space where more and more children, elderly people, and people with any kind of disability can come and relax as a “hub of the local community”.
I believe in the power of art and want to create a special place specialized in art. This desire has grown.
And finally, we will open our carefully crafted salon, “GOFAR’S”, the first third place for children in Neyagawa City, on March 6, 2022, on GOFAR BANK’s 10th birthday.
A lot of people came to celebrate the opening party, and it was a wonderful start.