- 2024年
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- 2020年
- 2019年
- └壁画ペイント & オーケストラコンサート in 児童養護施設
- └Mural painting & orchestra concert in children’s home
- └SHARE the HAPPINESS JAPAN ⇄ FINLAND 日本フィンランド修好100周年イベント
- └SHARE the HAPPINESS JAPAN ⇄ FINLAND 100th Anniversary of Japan-Finland Diplomatic Relations Event
- └描くよろこびは国境を越えて in マレーシア
- └The Joy of Painting Across the Border in Malaysia
- 2018年
- 2017年
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- 2014年
- 2013年
- 2012年
- └描くよろこびは国境を越えて in ベトナム
- └The Joy of Painting Across the Border in Vietnam
- └GOFAR BANK Summer Festa first 2012
-僕たちの可能性は無限大だ!- - └GOFAR BANK Summer Festa first 2012 – Our possibilities are endless! –
- └GOFAR BANK展 子どもから子どもへ
- └GOFAR BANK Exhibition From Children to Children
- └マグカッププロジェクト 贈呈式
- └Mug project presentation ceremony
- └久之浜復興の誓いコンサートアートイベント
- └Hisanohama Restoration Pledge Concert Art Event
- 2011年
The Joy of Painting Across the Border in Malaysia
2019.4.29 - 5.2
As the countdown from Heisei to Reiwa began, we headed to Johor Bahru, Malaysia to convey the joy of drawing to children living in an orphanage.
“Art can transcend borders and language barriers, allowing people to laugh together and connect their hearts.”
With this belief, we brought six suitcases weighing 120 kg of art supplies and 100 Madeleines from Japan, along with more drawings than we could carry.
And many cards that the children at Kids Art Land Children’s Home had drawn with all their heart, thinking of the children in the orphanage in Malaysia, because “feelings will overflow from the drawings and be conveyed.”
The first place we visited was an orphanage where many children with disabilities live.
Here, we first held a workshop where they used paints to draw pictures on box stencils.
Even the children who were difficult to communicate with were able to concentrate amazingly well and complete stunning works of art that were hard to believe they had never used paint before.
They were gifted with amazing talent by God.
On the second day, we held a packaging and balloon art workshop at an orphanage where children from various countries, including Malaysia, India, and China, live.
The children attend public schools in Malaysia and schools in China. The circumstances in which they ended up living at this orphanage are also very diverse.
But when the children were drawing, their whole bodies were filled with joy, and their eyes were almost divine.
At the end, we presented the finished boxes with souvenirs from Japan, and they all had shining eyes and were very happy. In return, they gave us bouquets of flowers made from paper and songs, and the children’s feelings filled our hearts so much that even our sweaty T-shirts felt good.
At the orphanage we visited on the last day, we held a mural art workshop where many children painted pictures on the walls of the facility. We deliberately brought only the three primary colors and black and white paints to Malaysia, and were able to convey the joy of creating your own favorite colors.
After all the activities were finished, the trunk was filled with the smiles and laughter of the children, which warmly embraced us as we made our way home with a sense of loneliness.
We believe that our project, “The Joy of Drawing Across Borders,” is a little different from aid.
“SHARE the HAPPINESS – Let’s share the joy.”
If everyone in the world could share the joy, the world would surely become a brighter place.
For this project, we transformed the kindness and warm hearts of many people in Japan into art supplies, stationery, Madeleines, and MILO and cookies, which are very popular in Malaysia, and delivered them to children living in orphanages.
Thank you so much. We are truly grateful.
The world can be changed by the smiles of children.
This is the sincere wish of GOFAR BANK